Metadata: 1/2000s, f/3.5, ISO 1600, Vivid Color. I spent the afternoon in a blueberry bog looking for reflection, rhythm, weaving lines, repetition, and a feeling of serenity and calm. I walked around for an hour reading the visuals and shooting. The light was very bright, and I did catch the blue sky. The Before Image is jumbled without enough space, lime or rhythm. The after image has the foreground with water and reflected bushes, the repeating rows of bushes and a rather bland blue sky background. It partly works because the blue is reflected in the water.
You really did catch the feeling of peacefulness with this shot. The reflections are nice and I enjoy the blue sky with the yellowish/greenish color of the bushes. I think this shot could also be used for the idea of proportion/scale. The trees in the background are much smaller than the blueberry bushes because they are so far away from where you were standing when you took the shot.